This week, I went shopping at the local mall (dubbed "The Small" by my citified grandchildren), and I soon found myself distracted by displays of beautiful prom gowns. To read more click on the button below or click on the magazine cover image.
Facebook often shocks me, but nothing like today with the picture of a crushed car and my grandson, Eli, on a stretcher. Before I read he'd escaped serious injury, I knew it. To read more click on the the button below or click on the magazine cover image.
Monroe-Walton Center for the Arts Something new at the Monroe-Walton Center for the Arts ... our first monthly Book Club event!
On Wednesday, August 22, 2018 at 6:30 PM meet Genie Smith Bernstein author of "Act on the Heart" novel. Her book can be purchased through the gift shop at the art center (discounted price) or online Amazon/Kindle. Lively book discussion. Light refreshments. Visit Genie's website and her author page on Amazon. You can read an overview of her book there, too. Genie lives in Athens, Georgia, and is a contributor to the Georgia Connector Magazine. There is no fee to join our Book Club. Look for a new author each month. Please RSVP to save your space! RSVP Email Address: [email protected] Nothing makes my heart skip a beat like receiving an envelope covered with stickers announcing “Author-Publisher Contract Enclosed.” Gulp! Yippee! And then to see the title of my story collection, Skating on the Septic Tank, typed officially on the contract. It’s happening! Happened? All in one book, my stories published in Georgia Connector Magazine, including my South
Carolina Carrie McCray award winner, and a sprinkling that were in other publications. A dream fulfilled, prodded into being by my friend Paige Cummings. Not only am I thrilled, I’m proud to have accomplished such a body of work. Where did time go? Skimming through my stories answers that question. Along with the changing world, I see myself and my siblings growing up, my own children with their children, and my parents aging. Name an emotion – love, joy, fear, jealousy – even a little pride and prejudice. You’ll find it in Skating on the Septic Tank. Also, humor. That gets us through all the rest. Soon I’ll have a concise answer when people ask, “Where can I read your stories?” Their next question will be “when?” I’m shooting for Christmas 2018. Fingers crossed.
This discussion guide for Act on the Heart is intended to expand your book group experience. The suggested questions are to help your members discover new and interesting topics. I hope these ideas will increase your reading enjoyment. To view or download the Reading Group Guide in PDF format click on the file below. To view on this web page click on 'Read More' below.
I rarely say OMG, but "O.M.G." I'm in Dec issue of R.E.A.D.E.R.'S. D.I.G.E.S.T. on p. 72. Didn't know and almost fell off the toilet. (isn't that where we all read that little magazine) Must've sent it eons ago because don't remember doing it. Mama would be SO proud.
Listen to Genie Smith Bernstein as she is featured on America's Web Radio, The Prologue with Doug Dahlgren. This interview delves into Genie's personal and writing lives, how one affects the other and led her to write "ACT ON THE HEART." Genie and Doug discuss the book's message of courage, how she fleshed out the characters, and her cinematic writing style.
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